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Welcome to Partnering!request access token

We’re happy you’re here and want to help you have the most productive and successful partnering experience. Please review our detailed Partnering 101 guide for step-by-step instructions on using the platform. You can also reference our Video Tutorial to optimize your experience.

Don’t forget! Partnering is only one piece of the puzzle. Visit the conference Live Agenda (Open Soon) for details on live and recorded sessions including panels, workshops, and pitching.

Get Started!

Update Your Profile

Tell the world who you are! Your company profile is how other attendees find you and determine whether you are a good fit! 

Set Your Schedule

Update your availability! Customize which live sessions you want to attend and let other attendees know when you’re available to meet.

Request Meetings

Use filters to refine your search for the best matches. Bookmark an interesting lead, request a meeting directly, and send follow-up messages.

Join a Meeting

Join meetings with our in-service videoconferencing system by adding them to your schedule. Happy Partnering!